Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Has General Motors Finally Hit Paydirt?

GM has long been casting about for a formula that will get people to actually think about wanting to buy their cars, instead of buying them because they are being discounted. It may be that they have finally hit paydirt.
Witness the new Malibu and the Traverse. Fairly attractive design on the outside, right? Not quite "same as next" and sufficiently different to pique your interest in the traffic that is America. The interiors, where the buyer/driver will spend most of his/her time have made quantum leaps over vehciles produced until recently. Tasteful chrome accents and materials that indicate more than a few moments went into their selection make for a good basis on which to at least visit a showroom if you are in the mood for a new car.
The question is, of course, will it be enough? Having finally figured out the road to the heart of consumers, there are still long journeys to be made on the road to perfection. GM is running low on cash (although the automotive industry guaranteed line of credit that Congress approved will help somewhat) and time will be needed to change consumer perceptions. GM does'nt have much of that either.
For this blogger, GM will need to reduce the number of models it offers - fast - and concentrate on making the current models American favorites by (gasp!) talking to consumers and grasping the fact that buyers want nice interiors and exterior styling that at least say "I have taste". Unless I see that in the existing lineup (excluding the Malibu and the Traverse) I would say look elsewhere if you want a car that will come from a company that has a future as long as the car warranty.

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